Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Go Green, Go Broke

The two biggest issues dominating today's society are rising energy costs and environmental mistreatment. Unfortunately a Dallas Morning News article cites recent Senate legislation as pitting the two up against one another. Proposed emissions regulations will most certainly drive energy production costs through the roof. What does this mean for Americans, or even Texans: high gas prices, soaring electric bills, hundreds of thousands of job cuts, and a plummeting economy.

Supporters of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act hope to restrict levels of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and manufacturing companies by 2012 and reduce global warming gases by sixty-seven percent as early as 2050. Opponents of the legislation foresee our struggling economy taking an unforgiving turn. Pump premiums may rise above $8 and energy costs could more than double, an outcome that would be reflected in every aspect of the economy. The states most affected by this green proposal would include California, Florida, and Texas.

Despite the heated debate over this issue, few expect the legislation to gain any momentum in an election year. Do, however, anticipate there to be significant political concerns regarding the environment and energy crisis as November gets closer.

Read the full article here.

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